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Cash Cabin review

8 / 10

Cash Cabin review

We are more than happy to be working with a rock-solid provider such as CashCabin. Together we have come up with a great welcome bonus for all Canadian players who set up an account for the first time. Hit the join now button and you are seconds away from receiving the welcome bonus.

Bonus English

- 100% up to $100

18+ | | T&Cs apply

Established in 2004, CashCabin was known as Bingo Cabin until they changed their name in 2018 and started adding more slots and Live Casino to their site. Bingo was one of the first games to hit it big online and back in the day, BingoCabin was one of the biggest names in the industry. 

As the years have passed by BingoCabin have seen many big changes, but even though the 2018 name change was meant to show off their efforts to be more than just a bingo site, they still have a way to go. The website is showing its age and the selection of slots and Live Games are not what they need to be if they are going to take on the big boys. 

As far as bingo goes, they are still a contender with nice chat rooms and a weekly progressive bonus of up to $500.000. Add to that a 100% welcome bonus and a really good VIP program, and CashCabin can still hold its own. 

Why sign up with CashCabin? 

Bingo might not be the coolest kid in class anymore, but millions of players are still enjoying the game every day all over the world. For Canadian players the choices are many, but there are not that many that can compete with CashCabin. 

Adding slots and table games have only made the cabin better, and game providers such as LeapFrog Gaming, Quickspin, Evolution Gaming and PariPlay are all front and center with some of their very best slots. 

How to sign up at CashCabin?

Setting up an account at a casino should be quick and easy, and that’s just how it is at CashCabin. Just click on the “Join Now” button and one simple form is all that stands between you and some of the best bingo games online. The whole process is over in just seconds and you are ready to go! 

Deposit to your account

Many casinos seem to choose to follow “the more, the better” strategy, but that doesn’t automatically mean the offer to you, the player, is any better. CashCabin has chosen a simpler way, both when it comes to game selection and payment options.

After all, who needs 40+ payment options anyway? Once the registration form is completed and you have confirmed your email address, you can make a deposit using the likes of Visa, Skrill, Neteller, Paysafecard, NeoSurf and a couple other big names.


With Lady Luck on your side, it won’t be long before it’s time to make a withdrawal of winnings from your account. As with everything else at CashCabin, this is also taken care of in minutes. You can withdraw funds using the same methods as for deposits and by using E-wallets such as Skrill or Neteller, you will have your money in your account in 48 hours.

If you prefer Visa or bank transfer, it could take up to six days.

Player Experience

CashCabin is showing its age and that does put somewhat of a damper on the player experience. Knowing that the last big makeover was in 2016, the site is far from as modern and user-friendly as we would like to see.

It’s far from the worst site out there, but we hope they give it one more makeover soon, as the site and its players deserve it. If you are a big fan of slot machines, CashCabin is probably not the casino for you. For that the selection is just too small at this time.

If you on the other hand love bingo and enjoy mixing it up with slots, Live Casino and chatting with friends from around the world, well, you need to set up an account at this online casino asap!

Customer support

CashCabin has a great support department and they will help you with any question you might have. You can Live Chat with them 24/7 and even during the busiest time of the day they will get back to you within minutes.


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